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Bostonians have a few options when it comes to heating and cooling solutions for their homes. Central air units have been the preferred option by far with 93% of new homes being equipped with these conventional units.

But there’s a new competitor on the scene in the form of ductless HVAC systems. Despite having a long tradition of use in Europe and Asia, these compact, energy-efficient systems are just starting to make a splash on this side of the pond. And it’s clear why!

Here, we’ll take a look at what Boston homeowners can expect when making the switch from central air to ductless systems.

Easier and quicker installation

Many times, the sheer idea of installing an entirely new HVAC system keeps Boston homeowners from making the transition – no matter how enticing the advantages. Fortunately, ease of installation is another major benefit ductless systems hold over their centralized cousins.

The central unit itself is pretty easy to install. But it’s the ductwork that drives the installation costs and time upward. Installers need to make holes in walls, floors, and ceilings to weave the ductwork throughout a home.

Comparatively, ductless HVAC systems are a breeze to install. After the compact indoor handling units and outdoor compressor are installed, a small hole is needed to connect each unit via condenser and power lines. It’s fast, simple, and hassle-free!

Zoned temperature control

Tired of fighting over the thermostat? So are all Boston homeowners who are still dealing with the heating and cooling inefficiencies of traditional units. With a single, central unit, these conventional systems only have one temperature setting. This means an entire home has to be set at a single temperature with no variation. Yikes!

Ductless systems offer homeowners significantly more flexibility through a process known as zoned temperature control. Instead of having a single unit responsible for heating and cooling the entire home, ductless systems utilize indoor handling units which are tasked with temperature control in each individual room or zone. This allows homeowners to achieve different temperatures throughout the home for increased comfort and energy efficiency.

Lower energy bills

Cost is a critical consideration for Boston homeowners when determining what kind of HVAC system to install. Although upfront prices receive a lot of attention, you can get a more accurate idea of overall expenses by looking at how much it costs to operate these systems. Ductless mini-splits win out in the war of recurring expenses.

Central air units lose a great deal of energy because of air escaping through poor connections, holes, and other ductwork issues. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 30% of a centralized system’s energy consumption is lost due to these inefficiencies. Since ductless systems are able to convert a greater percentage of their energy usage into heated or conditioned air, you can reliably lower your energy costs when making the transition.

Quieter operation

If you’ve ever had to sleep or work in a room near an outdoor HVAC compressor, you understand just how noisy these systems can be on centralized systems. Since the outdoor condensers of ductless systems are considerably smaller, they operate much quieter than their traditional counterparts. But that’s not where the noise difference ends.

Central HVAC systems produce a great deal of noise inside the home too. As air is forced through a vast network of ducts, a variety of sounds are made. You can hear whooshes or hisses from the air escaping registers and thuds or bangs as the ductwork expands over time. With a ductless system, you avoid all of these internal noises. The most you can expect to hear is a faint whispering sound as air passes through the indoor handling unit.

Ready to make the switch to ductless heating and cooling? The experts at New England Ductless can help you take advantage of all these benefits with a smooth and hassle-free transition. Contact us today to set up an appointment!

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