If you’re considering the switch to ductless heating (and cooling), you can boost its impact on your home by making your home more energy-efficient. Ductless heating is a great way to eliminate energy losses, but even when you eliminate your ductwork, you can still lose a lot of your heat.
Older homes can be especially vulnerable to energy losses, so if you plan to install ductless heating in an older home, here are a few more upgrades to consider.
Insulation, sealing can curb energy losses
Insulation. Insulating is never a bad idea, and if your older home can accommodate it, insulation is definitely one way to achieve higher energy efficiency. The amount of insulation you can add depends upon how your walls are framed and how much insulation is already present. The current recommendations for Boston-area homes is R49-R60 for currently uninsulated attics, and R38-R49 for spaces that already have some insulation. If you’re doing construction in your home, you can add insulation to the walls easily enough. If not, consider blown-in insulation to combat energy losses, or adding insulated sheathing to exterior walls if/when you have the siding removed for any reason.
Sealing windows and doors. Older homes tend to gather a lot of air leaks over time around window and door frames. One way to combat energy losses is by sealing your window and doorframes with caulk to prevent cold, dry outdoor air from entering your home. Getting a really good seal around windows and doors will require a little construction know-how, but it’s well worth the time and effort involved. Over time, caulk dries and cracks, so you’ll want to check the caulk each year during the warmer months. In addition to stopping inhospitable air from entering your home year round, by sealing gaps around your doors and windows, you can also discourage pests (like stink bugs!) from wintering over in your home.
Regular maintenance. If you can do only one thing to reduce energy losses in your home, regular maintenance on your ductless heating and cooling system is it! Ductless heating and cooling systems are designed to offer very high efficiency performance, so skipping or delaying regular maintenance can take a big bite out of your system’s energy efficiency. Keeping your system clean and working at peak efficiency is key to saving money with a ductless heating and cooling system.
If you would like more information about ductless heating and cooling, or additional information on reducing energy losses in your home, please contact us at New England Ductless at (617) 915-2803.