Many homes in New England feature oil heating systems that can get extremely costly to run during the winter. Whether your home uses a hydraulic boiler or a furnace, the hosts to run these types of systems can get pricey, especially in the middle of winter.

If you are considering upgrading your home to get better quality heating or to save money on your heating bills, ductless heat pumps are an excellent option. Ductless heating systems can provide supplemental heating wherever you need it or heat an entire home easily.

So, if you’re upgrading an outdated oil heating system or just need more warmth throughout your home, we’ll show you how you can save more with ductless heating and oil heating.

What are the Costs of Switching to Ductless Heating?

There are a number of costs associated with changing the heating system in your home. However, upgrading your home from an oil heating system to a ductless heat pump is an excellent option to help you save money in the long run. Although ductless heating systems are expensive to install, there are plenty of incentives, rebates, and more that can help reduce installation costs. These things will help you see your energy savings quickly so you can feel good about upgrading your home.

Installing a ductless heat pump system will cost anywhere from $6,000 to $15,000 depending on the number of units and the size of your home. However, this number can vary greatly. Contact our comfort specialists today if you’re considering upgrading your home, condo, or apartment with ductless heating.

Are Mini-Splits Cheaper than Oil Heating Systems?

Yes, most often, ductless mini-splits are cheaper and more efficient to run than an oil heating system. This is because ductless heat pumps work by transferring the existing warm air to wherever it needs to go through heat exchanger coils, while other heating systems have to create warm air. Because of this, there’s very little energy lost in using a heat pump and very little energy used to operate the system.

However, heat pumps become a little less efficient after temperatures drop significantly than natural oil heating systems. However, they can still save you money in tandem with an oil heating system for extreme weather conditions. Because ductless heat pumps can easily work as supplemental heating, even when they are not the sole way of heating a home, they offer energy savings by supplementing your existing heating system.

How Much Can I Save Switching to Ductless Heat Pumps Over Oil Heating?

Around 40% in energy savings is pretty standard for homes upgrading from oil heating to ductless mini-splits. This is often because of the SEER rating of the systems, which measures how efficiently the heating system operates. A 15 SEER system is fairly standard for most homes using traditional heating methods. However, many ductless heat pumps have SEER ratings in the 20s and 30s, which can mean 40% or more energy saved when it’s in use.

Is a Ductless System Right for Your Home?

If you are considering upgrading your home from the existing oil heating system to a ductless heat pump to save money on your energy bills, we can help! Contact our comfort specialists today and see how we can help you design a ductless heating system to supplement or replace your oil heat and bring you massive savings this winter!

Call today and get a quote for your new ductless heating system.

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