Communities all over the United States are discovering that air-conditioning is affordable to install and operate in schools! Many school buildings rely on boilers to heat classrooms during the winter months, but that leaves the schools with no air conditioning. As more districts lengthen their school years, or even move to year-round schooling, this can mean that classrooms and other school spaces get uncomfortably warm in the summers. Enter ductless cooling solutions!
Ductless cooling is ideal for schools
Ductless cooling can provide affordable cooling options for school buildings and individual classrooms. It can also provide supplemental heat for areas of the school that aren’t effectively heated by the school’s primary boiler(s).
Ductless cooling makes sense for school classrooms. A single outdoor unit can control as many as eight indoor evaporators. Each indoor unit is controlled individually, so the system can maintain comfort in classrooms that get a lot of sun, are completely shaded or have no windows at all. In addition to providing cooled air in classrooms, ductless systems can also effectively cool office spaces, hallways and large spaces, like gymnasiums, cafeterias and auditoriums. Ductless systems can also help correct humidity issues that may affect certain areas of a building.
Ductless systems currently offer the highest available SEER ratings on the market, which means they provide the most cost-efficient cooling available – something that schools on tight budgets can appreciate. Air conditioned classrooms can also offer an affordable, competitive advantage to private schools.
Ductless cooling systems help improve student achievement. Excessive heat is responsible for more lost instructional days each year than snow is! And studies have shown that students in air conditioned classrooms perform better on tests, focus better and are more productive than students who work in uncooled or naturally cooled classrooms.
Ductless systems improve air quality. Because they don’t rely on dirty ductwork, ductless cooling systems don’t retain or circulate seasonal pollens, and don’t support the growth or distribution of mold throughout the building.
Best of all, ductless systems are whisper quiet, so teachers don’t have to compete with loud window or central air conditioning units! They’re ideal for use in classroom environments.
If you’d like more information about ductless cooling solutions for schools or commercial buildings, contact us at New England Ductless at (617) 915-2803. We’ll be happy to schedule a visit and show you how your school or district can save money, improve the environment inside of your buildings and improve student achievement!