So, you’re thinking about installing ductless HVAC in your Boston home?

You’ve done your homework and you’re familiar with the benefits, ranging from the energy efficiency to the quiet operation.

There’s one last thing on your mind: the perceived disadvantages associated with a ductless HVAC system.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these disadvantages so you can decide if they’ll truly impact you, your home, and/or your budget.

1. Maintenance

Just the same as any HVAC system, there’s maintenance required to keep a ductless HVAC system running at peak performance.

While it would be nice if these systems were maintenance free, that’s not realistic. Things can go wrong, but proper maintenance reduces the likelihood of this happening.

Tip: choose a ductless HVAC system with a long warranty. This way, if something goes wrong and a repair is needed, you don’t have to pay too much money – if any – out of your own pocket.

2. Installation

If you want simple installation, a window AC unit is the way to go. It’s fast and easy, so it’s a DIY project for most homeowners.

But there’s a problem with that. A window unit can only cool a small area of your home. Furthermore, it’s not designed to warm your home, so you’ll have to find another method for doing so.

When compared to a conventional HVAC system with ducts, the installation of a ductless HVAC system is much less involved.

Perhaps most importantly is the fact that you don’t have to damage your home in order to install ductless HVAC. This is in contrast to running ductwork through a home that doesn’t already have it.

3. Indoor Air Handlers

With central heating and cooling, air is sent to vents via a system of ductwork.

But with a ductless HVAC system, air is circulated via indoor air handlers.

These are installed strategically throughout your home, ensuring that they’re able to heat and cool it efficiently.

So, what’s the problem?

Some people don’t like the way these look. They believe that they detract from the overall appearance, feel, and theme of their interior.

This is a matter of preference. It bothers some people, but others never think twice about it.

The nice thing is that you can mount indoor air handlers almost anywhere. This allows you to do so in areas that won’t be in your direct line of sight.

Final Thoughts

No matter what type of HVAC system you opt for, there will be pros and cons. With ductless HVAC, you don’t have to worry nearly as much about drawbacks.

If you want to learn more about the pros and cons of a ductless HVAC system, as they pertain to your specific home, contact us for more information. One of our techs can visit your home, answer your questions, and ensure that you have everything you need to make a confident decision.

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